07956 338073
Agendas and Minutes are being displayed on the noticeboards and website.
A casual vacancy has arisen on the Parish Council. Should you wish for the vacancy to be filled by election then please write to the Returning Officer Claire Hamilton at Dacorum Borough Council requesting such an election. Details can be found on the attached document.
It is the time of the year when Aldbury Parish Council invite applications from community groups within the Parish who are looking for moderate financial support. The Parish Council will support grants from organisations which can prove their sustainability and the benefit they provide to residents of the Parish. Please see the attached application form and our Grant and Donation Policy to find out whether your organisation is eligible.
Cllr Elections 4 May 2023
Parish Councillor elections take place on Thursday, 4th May 2023, the same day as Borough Councillor elections.
Aldbury Parish Council has 8 seats.Parishioners and the Parish Council need you to take a moment to think about becoming a Councillor.
Eligibility, nomination papers and further background papers are available from the Electoral Commission website here. Anyone who wishes to stand for election or re-election must complete and submit a valid nomination paper to The Forum at The Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, at the latest by 4pm on Tuesday, 4th April. Please visit Dacorum Borough Council website for more information here.
Implications of the Elections Act 2022
The notable changes that will come into effect for the May 2023 elections relate to electors needing to show an approved form of photo ID at a polling station before voting. This will include such ID as a passport, driving licence and national bus pass. If this ID has expired, it will still be applicable to use provided the photo is still a good likeness. For those voters without a suitable form of ID they can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate (VAC) via the Gov.uk website. This service goes live on the 16th of January 2023.
Further information can be found here.
It is the responsibility of each candidate to ensure the accuracy of, and to submit, the necessary paperwork.
All candidates need to be proposed and seconded by someone registered to vote in the parish.
Confirmation of nominations will be published by 4pm on Wednesday, 5th April.
In a contested election the vote count for Parish Councillors takes place on Friday 5th May.
Casual Vacancy
A vacancy for a Parish Councillor in the East Ward (Aldbury Village) has arisen.
The Parish Council deals with the detail of village life and tries to ensure the village functions properly by making sure that services and infrastructure are provided, that finance is available and managed properly and that the village’s views are heard by Dacorum BC and HCC and other relevant bodies. We meet once a month at 8pm in the Village Hall.
If you would like to find out more about what being a Parish Councillor is about and the commitment required, please speak to one of the current Councillors (names and contact details in Outlook and on the parish website) or contact the Clerk @ parishclerk@aldburyparish.org.uk
The Council is keen to fill this vacancy as soon as possible and would be grateful to receive applications by 31 December 2022. Please note that Councillors need to be over 18 years of age and be a British citizen, an eligible Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of any other member state of the European Union. Councillors must either be an elector of the Parish or for the preceding 12 months lived in or within 3 miles of the Parish, had a principal place of work within the Parish or occupied land as owner or tenant within the Parish.
A casual vacancy has arisen on the Parish Council. Should you wish for the vacancy to be filled by-election then please write to the Returning Officer Claire Hamilton at Dacorum Borough Council requesting such an election.
On behalf of the smaller authority, I confirm that the dates set for the period for the exercise of public rights are as follows:
Commencing on MONDAY 13 JUNE 2022 and ending on FRIDAY 22 JULY 2022. Please see the attached.
Should you wish for the vacancy to be filled by-election then please write to the Returning Officer Claire Hamilton at Dacorum Borough Council requesting such an election.
On behalf of the smaller authority, I confirm that the dates set for the period for the exercise of public rights are as follows:
Commencing on MONDAY 14 JUNE 2021 and ending on FRIDAY 23 JULY 2021. Please see the Notice attached.
Aldbury Parish Council responded to the consultation, please see letter attached to download. The closing date to submit comments is 28th February 2021. If you wish to respond individually please email: strategic.planning@dacorum.gov.uk
Traffic calming presentation – Presentation from Consultant